Of King And Dream

While I lay in dreams, accented by poppies bursting through the seams
Seemingly embroidery, upon the mattress of subconscious languages
I span the infinite ebony, trying to escape images unsettling here in the intricacies of the deep
Experiencing life on the trash heap, jumping out and off the frame, these sheep
The red and blue together within Morpheus marinated, psychedelic lines twists parchment
Three dimensional dramas with two dimensional beings, why am I here again?

Of downpours and sun smiles, observance of all while the kaleidoscope shifts and spins
Plagued by reality and longing for fantasy, traversing every wavelength of spectrum country
Escapism, and at the same time, a presentation; deus ex machina delivered via fountain pen
For me, the turn and miracle dawn began at the darkest and lowest valley end
Through the jaws of death, abracadabra, the fire walker descends from mountainous peak
Thus speaks this ages Zarathustra, rising from the ashes of youth and defeat

©2015 loose leaf lover

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